Palmer Lake Art Group

Artist Profile

Before you attempt to edit your profile, please besure you are logged into into your artist profile account. To do so, simply hover over the Artist Account menu item, and click the "Login" button. From there you can enter your email address and password. If you see a "Logout" option, that means you are currently logged in.

After logging into your Artist Profile Account, simply click on the “Edit Artist Bio and Socials” button. You will be directed to a page that enables you to edit your artist bio, social channels, profile (personal artist image) pic, cover photo, website address and email address. Be sure to SAVE your changes. 

You can upload up to 3 FRAMELESS artist showcase photos. If you are logged into your account, click on the “Artist Account” button in the top navigation menu of the website. From there, you will find an “Edit” button towards the middle right side of the page which will direct you to your showcase management page. From here you can upload up to 3 photos of your artwork. Please follow the instructions on that page for further assistance. 

If you forget your password, simply go to the login page. From there you can click on “Forgot Password” and enter your email address. You will receive a password recovery link to the email account you entered in. Note: the email address must be the email associated with your PLAG Artist Profile Account. 

Login to your Artist Account. Once you have logged in, click on the “Edit Artist Bio and Socials” link located under “Artist Account”. From there, you can edit all of your account information including your password. Remember to SAVE your changes. 

The maximum file upload size is 5mb. If you need to reduce the file size you can use this free website to do so: