Our members will be holding an Art Sale and Silent Auction throughout Saturday, August 3rd at the main tent next to the Park gazebo. This sale provides PLAG members the opportunity to submit up to 5 pieces of art, including maximum of 2 giclees, with all pieces being no larger than 24” x 30”. Further sale information to follow.
PLAG encourages member artists to donate an original work to the Silent Auction for the benefit of our Scholarship Program with D-38 high school seniors on their collegiate level journey toward a career in art.
Tent at the Gazebo in the Park
Commission: 90% of sale amount to artists with 10% commission to PLAG
Sale: Upload jpeg and description, size of up to 5 sale pieces $25 registration fee
for PLAG members (1-5 pieces)
Silent Auction: Upload jpeg and description, size Minimum Bid amount